Estimating Large Losses:
When Does Xactimate Become the Wrong Tool?
We last presented this 1-Hour program on Thursday, July 25th at 10:00am Pacific Time
Our program is a 60-minute conversation about the right tools for Estimating Large Losses, with a lawyer, insurance professional, and a building expert consultant.
Small claims require (1.) insurance professionals to figure out what's covered and not, and (2.) building professionals to evaluate damage, define the scope of repair, and estimate costs. The large losses we work on are never that simple.
Xactimate is sophisticated software that allows professionals who don't have an extensive background in construction to quickly price the restoration of modest sized first party claims. It has come to serve as a common language between claims professionals and the insurance restoration industry.
Large losses often turn into medium size construction projects that should have professional construction contracting discipline applied. This begins with (1.) defining (designing) the scope of repair, and (2.) professionally estimating that work. There is an integrated collection of processes and documents, taught in architecture and engineering schools all over the world, for doing this, but they are often not applied in insurance restoration. We think they should be applied to large losses, to save money and decrease drama.
Learning Objectives
Define what a large loss is.
Review the process of investigating and estimating.
Learn about evaluating cost estimates from other parties.
Understand why large losses require conventional estimating techniques.
Discuss the power and dangers of Xactimate.
Program Outline
Investigating Large Losses
Understanding Estimating
Evaluating Estimates by Others
How Xactimate Works and How It Doesn't
Our Panel
Carla Braunstein
Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman LLP
Continuing Education Credit
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